UFC 244 results & discussion

Nate leaking, but blood on a diaz doesn't mean shit

Masvidal should let him up.. this isn't going to end well for him.

Nate grabs a leg now.. Nate looking to grapple now that he saw Masvidal wanted no part of the ground game.

60 seconds in and nates face is a mess

Masvidal having his way so far, but these are the fights Diaz's thrive in. Diaz lands a big shot.. now it's a fight

Fahqhard -

I knew this was going get stopped from a cut.. otherwise Nate would have won in the late rounds.....

It hasn't been stopped..

LMAO at masvidals fake hurt to the body 

Holy fuck c'mon Nate 

Go Nate! Damn, Masvidal strong and trying to annoy Diaz.

Mas 10-9

Tough guy stand off!

1-0 Masvidal, but the fight's just getting started. Diaz came alive at the end of the round. Diaz wants to bang! Hope Masvidal didn't spend his wad.. this is a 5 round fight

Im aroused 

Round 2 

Not going to end well for Nate if he wants to stand and trade.

Fahqhard - 
KnockoutThoughts -
Fahqhard -

I knew this was going get stopped from a cut.. otherwise Nate would have won in the late rounds.....

It hasn't been stopped..

I'm watching,,,, ite going to be

nah it’s hardcore rules

I didn't want either guy to lose, but now I want Nate to win. I've been picking Masvidal the whole time, but I'm rooting for Nate now.

Sick round. This fight is gonna get really interesting if it makes it to round 4 and 5

I've never ever liked Nate at 170.

I hope mas isn't gassed and overwhelmed by the moment. Very slow movement