UFC 265 results & discussion

Lmao @ Dom trying to tell DC that was a sweep. Even I know that wasn’t a sweep.

Dom is the biggest know-it-all in the world it’s pretty funny seeing DC giving him some flack about it.

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Anyone into fly fishing? I got all this gear but just need to where the best stream is.

Yes, but I think you posted this in the wrong thread.

Edit: I’m an idiot.

It’s on ESPN2 right now.

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What a fucking snoozefest.

Lol I had to read it twice to realize he was talking in codes

Doc over a fucking leg?!

Damn, that leg going to be hurting for a while!!

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Probably to check any brakes/fractures

That leg looks nasty. Surprised the doc didn’t stop it, somethings broken, he can’t even stand on it

How can Dom be wrong so often?

He just said MMA was still illegal in 50 states in 2006…

What a shit fight. Herman is a wounded target and Menifield is not attacking. Ffs this is pathetic.

Main card is super overrated and def not worth $70


Kellerman didn’t get the memo that they were supposed to pretend Aldo is a contender lmao

9-5 mma record and in the ufc. UFC is putting more and more filler fighters

really looking forward to getting a dm right before the main card starts.

Just had to look at tonight’s and last few ppv cards this was the case

They usually have a few decent fights and the rest filler
Tonight we bring to you another Angela hill fight 100% chance of a dec

Looks like the horizon is dry and would love some fishing tips at a small creek like body of water…I’m hungry

Love Bobby Green

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