I guess we’re enemies tonight. Hope you step outside for some air between rounds and get hit by a plane.
Dont be a dildo… Be cool for a bit, smoke some grass and relax.
Lewis is putting Tuivasa to sleep
Izzy dominates Whitaker again
fuck off, Roxy has always sucked. she used to come on this site and that is the only reason you guys give a fuck about her.
God your father suck a lot of cock. I respect her because not only is she tough as nails and has developed continuously over two decades being a Pioneer in the sport of mixed martial arts but also because she’s been an ambassador as a human being and an American badass. You’re a spicy little cunt ain’t cha?
Come get some twat boy I see ya pounding away on your keyboard there
We got a live one boys!
this is her after two decades of development? PATHETIC.
shes an “american badass” and a nice “human being” oh wow, empty platitudes. are you her girlfriend?
“badass” is a far stretch.
LOL @ being a pioneer at WOMENS mma. who gives a fuck? honestly?!
Get it all out Spicey… Let that twat flare up for us! Got you some fire emojis for you?
Someone gave Roxy 2 rounds.

Lewis is putting Tuivasa to sleep
Izzy dominates Whitaker again
Agreed again.
Rooting for Whittaker but I think he loses badly. Looked awful during the Embedded episode. I don’t like Izzy’s personality but he is so damn talented.
dude youre the one who has the problem with me insulting your girlfriend.
relax, she still wont fuck you.
Hes winding up, here it comes…
All 3 judges fucked that one up. Roxy didn’t get close to winning a single round.
Hopefully Casey retires too.
This fight makes me want to retire from watching fucking MMA.
exactly. pathetic fighter is pathetic.
10000% agreed.
Roxy put it all out there. She is a warrior

dude youre the one who has the problem with me insulting your girlfriend.
relax, she still wont fuck you.
listen to that crowd Roar for her u dickweed! You just got called dickweed!
Wow how can u score that for roxanne? I thought oneil looked good. Good looking too. I like the attitude too.