UFC 297 Strickland v. Du Plessis thread

I’m glad that if this does earn FOTN
That Red trunks will get blues 50k cause he missed weight.

And with 2 misses in 4 months he should Be made to fight at 45 in his next fight

Pls give this to Decision to Red

Not Brad Tavares

Yeah bro he cut down to 140lbs…

If Sean could hold that belt for awhile and keep running his mouth under the current political climate we are under, he could reach Muhammad Ali levels of greatness

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I’m interested to see what these judges do.

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I want to say sidey 29-28

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29-28 Sidey

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Shut up idiot, we are talking about this banger of a fight , u casual GayBoy tranny

That was about as close as a fight gets.

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Decision with that much blood probably goes to Tavares

Has to be red,

Especially given the huge weight miss

I hope

Each Deserve 50k






The Princess Bride Boo GIF by filmeditor

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Very close fight, not a robbery at all

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Retard judges

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