UFC 297 Strickland v. Du Plessis thread

RD 1: 10-9, Strickland.
RD 2: 10-9, Du Plessis.
RD 3: 10-9, Du Plessis.
RD 4: 10-9, Du Plessis.

39-37, Du Plessis.


Iā€™m not watching but based on what I read, itā€™s probably 2-2. Round 5 will decide it.

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4-3 Strickland ,

this is a 9 rounder u casuals

sean aint doing shit. losing 3 -1

I have it 2-2 realistically


I think Strickland locked up more rounds but I bet heā€™s down on the scorecards.

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african is nothing like Izzy and Sean cannot work it out

Guess Iā€™m stupid Sean won the first 3 imo but the judges are stupid as well so who knows I guess dd hitting air the first 3 rounds counts as hits


All the sparring and scar tissue, he may lose the fight due to the judges looking at the visuals


DC is such a faggot


typical crowd. they chanted strickland now they are chanting ddp.

I have it 2-2.

he probably thought all Africans were the same

Wtf is that fat fuck DC watching? Strickland 4-0

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And the weight given to takedowns. Even if nothing comes of it.


Strickland fighting defensively cause he knows DDP throws bombs. Peppered him with jabs the first few rounds, swelled up DDPā€™s eye. DDP figuring out Seanā€™s defense a little and landing more but nothing major. A couple decent ones cut Sean. DDP hitting some TDs here and there but not doing much with them.

Overall a shitty fight. Not sure whoā€™s winning.

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are you okay?

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This is gay

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ddp has this. sucks for strickland but he is basically sparringā€¦has done nothing significant

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So far round 5 all Sean