UFC 303 Dublin Press Conference postponed/canceled

If he was high, they should have definitely let him do the conference, it would have been hilarious!



Chandler I’m sure is training a lot harder than Mcgregor that’s why I said most likely chandler injured in training camp.

Chandler was about to get on a plane for the PC and was told not to board since it was cancelled. For whatever reason it was cancelled, it wasn’t because of Chandler.


Can’t even show up to his home crowd. Conor has truly become a shell of his former self.

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If McGregor does pull out, Chandler has to finally move on right? I think he should have done it a long ass time ago.

So it begins. Conman strikes again. We all said this fight wasn’t happening lol

Chandler is gonna look so horrible if this fight never happens

If Conor pulls out they can should do Chandler vs Nick Diaz later this summer. Plenty of other fights for Luque.


Rumors that it might have something to do with Conor’s dad having heart surgery last week.


Wtf does Ariel fagwani know


AKA Conman did something stupid as fuck

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All good false alarm guys.

If you are bigger than the sport, politely fuck off. Dudes fight after death of children, miss births of children etc. I understand his Dad had a medical emergency, but life goes on.

Is that what it was?
His father’s medical emergency?

No idea, read that in this thread.

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they are just trying to spin it in a way that makes people sympathetic to him. i don’t buy that for a second.


As a fan, I get the sentiment, but you’re basically saying “if you don’t care about this sport more than your child dying, fuck you.”
Those people that fight through those legitimately traumatic situations are usually fighting for about $20K, they don’t have the option to just sit out of a press conference like Conor is doing.

Not sticking up for Conor, but your argument would be like “The CEO cares less about this company than the janitor. The janitor showed up when his daughter died, so he wouldn’t lose his job. The Vice President missed a meeting because his dad had surgery.”


I felt like a bit of a cunt typing it, but just can’t be bothered with this bs anymore.


No , no
That’s a fair comment,
Ur not a cunt
Yer a gud cunt


Conman and his dad were on a coke binge and dad’s ticker couldn’t take it this time.

And NDA found a way to blame Chandler and say Chandler looks bad because why fault the loser in that entire debacle of a fight.

Hint for NDA: the loser is Conman. Not Michael