go east on ROGERS LN, ROGERS LN becomes NE FLOWER MOUND, Turn left on NE HERITAGE DR
turn right NE 31ST ST you'll see my jeep call me if you get lost
Me to.
Did we find out what time it is going to start? 8pm?
i wanna say 8, no blue gi
i recorded the ufc all access if you wanna check that out tooo, its only 30 min
special guest at robs, BIGDADDYPERKINS
Thanks for keeping all the nut huggers from requesting autographs. Really thanks for the invite, I appreciate it. And your new house is AWESOME.
thanks bro, i'm watching the fights again i had a little to much to drink last night.
damn that reyes!!!!!
Thanks for having us over.
Thanks for showing up,
Reyes called me the other day to see how I was doing since I moved. I told him all about the problems, we've had so far. We talked for a few good minutes about everything. He said he was starting to like MMA and wanted to watch more events, but his first one was really wierd. I asked him what did he mean by that? He told me he had went to watch UFC 58 at some former RUDY Drill Sergeant's new house. It said it was generally OK, but he felt really wierd a few times.
I asked him what he meant, and he said the host was REALLY wierd at times. I asked him "Wierd"? he said the guy(host) would make strange faces at times, then Reyes paused for a long time, and said this Host guy only made these strange faces when he looked at Reyes.
I told Reyes that would have made me uncomfortable. He said he did feel that as well. He quietly admitted that the alcohol he drank helped him cope with this whole wierd situation. He said he had lapses in memory and wasn't sure if it was from the Alcohol, or possibly a severe emotional event or two.
He admitted shamefully, that the next morning, his ass felt different, his underwear had a greasy substance in it, and the host kept winking at him right before he left. He snapped a pic of the guy with his camera as the Freak was giving him one of those smiles, and sent it to me. I really freaked when I saw the pic. I couldn't believe my eyes. I felt violated, and had to immediately scrub my body. As I bled from the Brillo pads and bleach, I thought that I would never tell anybody else. Here is that guy....The "Happy Host" with the wierd smile.
Beware of this guy!!!