UFC Chris Daukus to Dwayne “the cock” Johnson : Your shoes fucking suck brah”

It’s like when you see a poor at dollar general wearing a tazmanian devil sweater in the summer. It’s fine. They can do what they want. But it carries a connotation i cannot not observe.

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But that brings up the question… what are you doing at dollar general yourself

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Or like a grown man wearing sandals out in public

No one wants to see your nasty ass dude feet

But you wear white socks with black sneakers? That’s just tacky

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The only black shoes i own are dress shoes and waterproof steel toed boots.

The last time i went was about 10 years ago on a day off. It’s walking distance from my place. Go to a dollar general on a tuesday during normal work hours. Take a camera.

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Listen grandpa, white socks for white sneakers and black socks for black sneakers. Not that complicated Mr. “I only have white New Balance shoes so everyone else does too”


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Black socks are for poors. I dont care what color your sneakers are.

You’d wear white socks with black sneakers?

No wonder you’re a 63 year old virgin

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I owned black sneakers once because i was poor and worked at steak n shake, and they required them. But i wore white socks with them, because i wasnt that poor.

Your coworkers at SnS were definitely making fun of you behind your back


I live in a river town quite close to the coast. I go to the river and the beach pretty often and sandals are definitely going to be worn on those occasions.

I need to wear black shoes and black socks for work.

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It really stings to think that April, the 17 year old high school dropout mother of 2 with rotten teeth, laughed at me in 2001.


Daukus is an expert in sucking. Dude is a regional talent at best.

That’s the only exception, the beach or the pool

If you’re a man and you’re wearing sandals to the store or out in public (besides the aforementioned exceptions), you’re nasty

Because michael jordan never ran in his sneakers?

Basketball is a game where players run, and often sprint, back and forth across a court hundreds of times per game. They often make quick changes in speed and direction in both offensive or defensive maneuvers, but other times are simply sprinting in straight lines to recover position.

Tell me more about how running on a basketball court is not similar at all to running on another flat surface that doesn’t have a basketball goal bolted to it.


I didn’t say that, “fam”, but you said it was never appropriate, even for a second, to run in basketball shoes.

It’s ok. I say plenty of retarded shit on the og without thinking it through, too.

So a 300 pound kid got blisters when running and that trumps every basketball player ever who runs hours a day in basketball shoes. Check. I have much to learn, shoe yoda.