Chad, that was funny man. Fuck those guys trying to bust your balls.
Jesus loves you
haha good shit i mean i say i train mma but i havent fought yet cause im still under 18 nd girls still seem to think its so cool ive showed them vids from sparring nd my grappling tournament nd they love it
Your friend should be juggling your nuts in her mouth for the honorable service you have provided.
You are a man's man, and a gentleman's gentleman.
lying to get laid is part of having a cock.....
oh, yeahhh...
men are pigs!
i forgot.
Good work, that guy was a scumbag.
Still waiting on the juggling of the balls thing... maybe Monday...problem is...she is just average haha.
I mean fuck, I can see lying your ass off for a hot as hell chick that you wouldn't normally stand a chance with. I mean come on, we all know what goes into that...lying, roofies, alcohol etc... but lying to an AVERAGE chick ?? Shit, you must be desperate as hell
Jesus loves me dis I know
Cause I blocked his cock you know
Little bitch ran off all mad
Lost his bitch now he feels bad
Yes Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me
Yes Jesus loves me, he hasn't got a ho.
From now on, "WWCD?"
lmao , great poem.
I'm glad you didn't try that shit back in '04 when your Am Record was 0-3-0.
that would mean busting that posers ass would make you a hypocrite.....just sayin' glad ya didn't
great job!
lmao i salute you sir,nice job.
ttt for dojo being god's pimp hand.
The most hilarious thing is that both people from both ends of the same story are posting on the UG, Dojosensei, see the thread Got "EXPOSED". I find this hilarious.
Dojo your a bitch , you knew she would break up with him ,hating on his weak ass game makes you more of a bitch them him. Imo you wanted to fuck her and she rejected you probably.
"I find this hilarious.'
me too
one of my friends was seeing this guy that I had seen around for years (bars, gym, etc) it was funny that he ended up with this girl I know.. anyway, he tried to tell me he was fighting in a major show over the weekend (this was 2-3 mos. ago) and he just said he was fighting some brazilian guy (how convienent)
I asked him where he trained at and he named a few places, some didn't even excist.. He mentioned Gilberts Grappling too (over 2 years). at this point I knew he was full of it, he said he was fighting at 190, but he was only 185 at the time, but he was sure he could pack on the extra 5 lbs in three days. I asked him if he knew Clay Guida and a few other guys that train there, he was just like.. Clay who??? I have never seen or met him there.
I tried to tell this girl he was full of it, but she wouldn't listen... funny to know that he has rot-crotch at the moment from her!! (I never touched her, but my other friends told me about her.. LOL!)
i wouldnt be the one to cock block, but i laugh when someone else put a faker in his place. good shit
We have intentional cockblocking on the defense. Personal foul, 15 yards.
Good job dojo!
I GOT ONE.. My wife was in georgia and i was in texas training at grapplers lair in belton, she tells me there is a guy her sister is seing talking all this mma crap, i told her her is was a bunch of bull right off the bat. This guy claims he's a ju-jitsu artsit and all. Ok so i went to georgia and met the guy. I turned on spike to watch tuf and a commercial came on promoting a ufc ppv. he starts telling me in front of all the family that him and his dad sit onthe couch and laugh at people like KOS and Diego and how he would destroy them. Well i told him, I had a friend in savannah that would let us use his gym, lets see what you know. Now he's about 5'7 235lbs and i'm 6'0 185lbs. He shows up the day of the little vale tudo experiment dressed in full ufc gear like he's sponsored. We get to the gym and i don't under estimate anyone so i consider him possibly dangerous and maybe just a shit talker... not even that. I double arm takedown him in a second, control from the side take the mount and roll for a triangle in like 30 seconds, his pride is so fucked that i had to let go before i passed himout, he wouldn't tap thats how i knew he was a newbee. We went again and basically the same thing happened. To make it all worse i was only trained for 8 months in ju-jitsu at this time. He was BUSTED. I told everyone at home this stuff and they all laughed. My sister in law broke up with him eventually because of his dis-honesty. I told him if you can't beat me you shouldn't be laughing at anyone in the ufc. lmao