I’ll take they bet on the wrong horse, for $500 Alex.
“Wakanda!!.. Shit is this? What just happened?”
Is that one dude 14 feet tall?
Lol they all bet their christmas bonuses on izzy
Hahahah, I had the opposite reaction. Good for Alex.
Izzy deserves it after his crackhead bar comments. Hearing that shit I would come back just for that shit screw the belt.
They must have lost money on Izzy. I can’t imagine they actually like that weirdo
I was happy he fucked Izzy up
Stupid ass dances he came out too
Holy shit. I would have burst an artery during that Poirier fight. That must have been a wild ride with the Izzy-Poatan fight after that.
I wonder if they just thought he was untouchable. He’s a bit too cartoonish for my taste, but I got to give him credit for stepping up in weight to fight Jan. Valid claim to P4P status.
Took a lot not to cash out early