UFC Game of Thrones

Maybe it's all part of the simulation, maybe it's a case of life imitating art, or maybe it's just me, but I think that for the UFC the night is dark and full of terrors and winter is coming. So I invite you to all play along. Find the similarities. I get to go first, but I left you all plenty of good ones.

Spoiler alert!

Burt Watson=Sir Barristan Selmy (Both shockingly retired from the inner circle before their time was done and then went to work for rivals.)

Scott Coker=Daenerys Targaryen (In addition to the obvious physical resemblance, both are gathering armies to challenge the throne. Both offer their once enslaved armies essential freedoms as well.)

Entry level UFC fighters=The Unsullied (Hold still and put on your Reebok kit.)

Dana White=Joffrey Baratheon (Because they're both kings and really popular.)

Joe Silva=Tyrion Lannister (Enough said)

Your turn. Phone Post 3.0

Lorenzo Fertitta= Jaime Lannister( acts like he doesn't have a hand in what's going on) Phone Post 3.0

Jon Snow - Conor McGregor


myee8 - Joffrey wasn't popular, he was a cunt really. Phone Post 3.0
Exactly. Phone Post 3.0

cheyguy - Reebok = whitewalkers
Stitch = Jon Snow Getting sent to the wall is like losing your freedom where stitch lost his cool vest and thenstabbed in his heart by his brothers for warning everyone about the whitewalkers (close enough).
I like
Stitch = Thoros of Myr (Both bringing dudes back from the dead so they can fight again. Both brothers without banners currently.) Phone Post 3.0


Dana White = Cersei Lannister
Lorenzo = Tywin Lannister
Conor = Jamie Lannister
Stitch = Podrick Payne
Scott Coker = Stannis Baratheon
Frank Fertitta = Varys (quietly runs everything while nobody notices)

Jon Jones = The Mountain. He's constantly doing fucked up things in his off time, but you can't deny the man his crown. Phone Post 3.0

Jon snow = Frankie Edgar

Honorable to a fault and he often gets his asskicked before storming back for the kill Phone Post 3.0

Oberyn = Anderson silva

Great fighter who gets killed for show boating Phone Post 3.0

Chael = LittleFinger Phone Post 3.0

Urijah Faber = Littleginger Phone Post 3.0

Little finger...joe silva

Little finger* haha Phone Post 3.0

Chuck Liddell = bobby b

Both fucking savages known for their debauchery Phone Post 3.0

Ned stark = gsp

Both super nice, honorable guys who end up getting fucked over by those they serve. Phone Post 3.0

hd94 - Oberyn = Anderson silva

Great fighter who gets killed for show boating Phone Post 3.0

Hahahaha this.

hd94 - Oberyn = Anderson silva

Great fighter who gets killed for show boating Phone Post 3.0
Wow. Perfect Phone Post 3.0

bigfoot = hodor

Ariel Helwani = Theon

Had a little fight in him in the beginning, but now says and does what his owner (Dana/UFC) tell him.

Hermes Franca = Ser Meryn