UFC Heavyweight Div. Solution

Brendan Schaub vs. Brock Lesnar (Schaub calling Lesnar's camp a bunch of dinosaurs set up a behind-the-scenes feud which could elevate with the typical UFC hype video packages.)

Frank Mir vs. Roy Nelson (Two popular names on this one, so there's no need for a storyline to sell the fight.)

The winners of each fight will face each other in a number one contenders match. Even better for the UFC if Brock Lesnar and Frank Mir win, as it would give the UFC an excuse to complete the trilogy without making them look desperate for a pretty penny. What do you guys think?


The internets would rage if Lesnar only had one fight until another title shot. I think he needs to notch up two wins before he gets another shot... he looked bad his last two fights.

 I don't know, he looked pretty impressive squeezing Carwin's neck like he wanted his head to pop off.  2 fights at least is a no brainer tho, plus $$$.  I don't see Lesnar fighting for a good 6 months tho, he wanted a break, now he's got one. 

I'd almost like to see Shaub fight Mir. 

Nelson v Barry, battle of the buldge

KenFlo Choked on Sushi -  I don't know, he looked pretty impressive squeezing Carwin's neck like he wanted his head to pop off.  2 fights at least is a no brainer tho, plus $$$.  I don't see Lesnar fighting for a good 6 months tho, he wanted a break, now he's got one. 

I'd almost like to see Shaub fight Mir. 

Nelson v Barry, battle of the buldge

Very true. Lesnar looked impressive when he submitted Carwin, but he looked like a knucklehead when he got punched in the face a lot. He looked like a severe-knuckle head after executing the sick pirouette at 121. I think giving Lesnar the test of an advanced striker like Schaub (I don't wanna say he's a beginner, but he's sure no expert) would be beneficial to the future prestige of the title and would be a great test for Lesnar's chin.


I think lesnar should fight a full contact karate guy that way he wont get punched in the face Phone Post

Schaub, Nelson rematch. Phone Post