UFC in Montreal Cancelled?

Heard rumours that the UFC scheduled to be held in Montreal in April was cancelled. Can someone provide a link to a credible website that confirms this?


Thanks rufus

pushed back to when I will more than likely be able to make it. thanks UFC.

They should have it in Edmonton instead.

Incredibly disappointing, was already planning the trip with a group of friends. Hopefully they make it there some time later this year.

Montreal is a blast + they have Cresent St. :)


From: Kimbo's Bread

Date: 01/02/07 11:50 AM
Member Since: 11/04/2004
10991 Total Posts Ignore User

Montreal is a second rate city. Don't buy into the hype, it's shithole riddled with pan handlers

Whatever! I been there 2 x and its a great city! :)

I recently heard that Montreal is famous for its strip clubs.

Also, Edmonton itself doesn't have as many cows as you'd think.  Plenty in the outlying area, though.

Sorry you had a bad time. I was treated with great respect the times I have gone. Maybe we just need to party there one time. :)

You've got to be pretty stiff to hate Montreal. One of the best cities on earth.