UFC Just Bleed Guy

 I'm so over the Just Bleed guy

UFC 87 muay thai guy 4LYFE

outline colors are different

The first time I saw that 87 GIF I nearly died when I saw him throw the elbow. Who the fuck caught that on the broadcast? Hahaha.


The funniest part is I've never seen a photoshop of the Just Bleed guy. I mean really, how do you improve on perfection?


I thought someone posted he was in jail?


ENOUGH IS ENOUGH: Someone post the original video clip (not a GIF!) with Just Bleed guy in it so that we can hear his scream!


smoogy -  I'm so over the Just Bleed guy

UFC 87 muay thai guy 4LYFE

Interesting enough, he seems to be sitting alone

Holy Shit!

8 years!


its the same guy different event

is the guy with the devil beard in the 2nd pic the dude smoking a joint?

This shit's GOLD.

Free Just Bleed!

The video is Bay Saint Louis UFC. The Pictures are from the next UFC in New Orleans.

JacksRomously- Yes.

Man I'm actually bummed to hear he's in Jail!

Wonder what that Beer Looter guy is up to.... Hmmmm