UFC/MMA survey

Hey guys, if you can find (literally) one minute to fill out this short survey of 10 multiple choice questions then I'd really appreciate it. It's part of my dissertation research on Relationship Marketing in Combat Sports.

I mostly need MMA educated and online savvy individuals to fill it in and I couldn't think of a better medium than right here.

I have no idea if i'm posting in the right place as i'm more of a forum lurker than poster but I apologize if i screw up here.

(Please only fill it out if you're male, aged 18-34)


44 im too old

Filled it out Phone Post

flip_guard - 44 im too old

I whole-heartedly apologize for stereotyping you.
Blame the UFC and their damn target demographics.

i took it

really appreciate it guys. you're helping me out no end here.

Fin Phone Post

Filled. Phone Post

I'm too old too. Seems like that is happening more and more now... Phone Post

thanks guys, i know surveys are dull beyond all recognition but you've seriously done me a kindness here.

apologises for the bump. i'm getting desperate.

thanks in advance to anybody else who helps me out here.

sorry for the bump, getting a little desperate here.
thanks to anybody else who helps me out.


Every question allowed multiple answers to be selected, even if the question suggested 1 answer. Not sure if that's a mistake or intended, just warning you. For example, I could tick that I use social media often and never.

Done and done Phone Post

ahh, that's a mistake then, prettycoolguy. hopefully the majority of people will just tick the one box i hope!

and kanodogg, i wish; i'm a student ;[


Hyperlink there.  And done.

Damn those sterotypical demographics!

don dada done 

you've all helped me reach my quota. thank you so much guys.

Damn it. I'm a woman.
*runs back into kitchen to make some sandwiches Phone Post