UFC Topps case???

I bought a case of the second round of these. I wanna make some money off of them. The question is to break the case or to sit on it. I am a little torn about it. Ur thoughts???

 Well if you sit on it, im guessing the value will just keep going up just like Round 1 cases. Thats just my thoughts on it but i could be wrong....

Yeah my dealer said they are actually making LESS. With the economy bad Topps decided to only sell the hobby product to brick and mortar stores and they were only alotted so many and have to be a Topps Pro seller. This means the big online wholesale dealers cant buy from Topps and if they want the product they have to go through the small guys. He also said that Topps is taking the orders and then only producing that many plus 10 to 15 percent more as compared to 50 to 100 percent more in the past. I talked to 2 dealers who both told me the same thing.

 im not buying anymore cards.  Round1 was enough for me

They WILL overproduce this set. They now know the interest is there for the product.

STINKIN, I was under the same impression, but at least 3 dealers have told me there is less being made of this product. This is from their mouth and they were not trying to jack a price up on me cause i had already purchased my case at a VERY reasonable price. Im just saying that i have some pretty credible sources. Go to blowout cards or any of the other major online wholesalers and they have VERY limited numbers of this product due to Topps ONLY selling to hobby shops and crappy retail boxes to walmart ect. The online wholesalers are having to rely on the little guy to get product. You just seem pretty confident but all things i have heard point to the opposite.

Topps will not be producing less. The falsely created demand for the underproduced first series will mean the 2nd series will fly off. It needs to be overproduced for Topps to make the most money.

All the money made off the first series was made by 2nd hand dealers. Topps made jack shit.

This 2nd series will be everywhere

Hmmm, for being everywhere the presale sites that normally can get u what u need have zip right now. Topps isnt selling to them. Everything eveyone has said is the exact same thing i though BEFORE i studied up on it. Ask around. You could buy series one directly from Topps no matter what. Now u HAVE to be a brick and mortar dealer to even order them. To be a Topps Pro dealer u have to send in ur utility bills, show ur listed phone number, take pictures of ur store to make sure it is to par. Im not worried about my ROI cause i got a good deal, already offered 500 more for the case than i paid. I just think alot of people are assuming things and I am telling u what dealer have told me.

dealer didnt have to sell me on it. Already bought the cases. He offered me 400 to walk out the door and let him keep the case. I paid 1200 with a reciept so it was reserved but he told me he would give me my money back plus 400. I am just goin off of things I know and the dealer isnt lying. The other 2 dealers that told me the same thing had ZERO cases left to sell so they had nothing to gain from lying to me

Oh well. Got my case for 1000 so i think im good. Just wondering if u guys would open up some boxes or not.

Talk to Frank. These cards are like crack to him.

I decided I would check on this before I saw the amount it cost you magically change :)

Anyway, I predicted awhile ago that the Topps Round 1 cards were selling for way too much. The reason for my prediction was based on Round 1 was print-to-order. Meaning any card shop, the UFC, or anyone with a Topps account could order 50 cases and they would get it. And that doesn't even include the retail boxes sold by outlets like K-Mart, Walmart, etc. There was no set print run and most of the cards weren't numbered. Again, meaning there could literally be thousands and thousands of them out there. Print-to-order sets are almost always over produced in part because speculators order extra cases in hopes prices go up and Topps will print extra to fill emergency orders from top customers if the set catches fire.

The second set is not print-to-order. It is limited. Meaning there will be a set and defined print run. Stores are limited on the number of cases they can purchase. For example my friend was denied the ability to purchase any from Topps because he didn't purchase the first set from them directly. It is a rule Topps puts on some sets to prevent dealers from cherry-picking money generating sets and preventing "loyal" dealers from being able to get a purchase.

It is very likely that arbe79 is correct and that this new set it much more limited than Round 1. Selling more isn't the only way a business makes money. This set will cost significantly more. I pre-ordered Round 1 from my friend for $65 a box, this set will cost $90 a box on pre-order. Also the last set had 3 autos and 3 relic cards per box, this set only has 2 of each - so Topps input costs into the product are less. Topps are getting their money by other means than over-producing the set.

A couple other things...
- this is NOT Round 2. It is not associated with the 1st set in any way shape or form other than Topps is producing it. Think of it like Topps releases their basic Topps baseball set every year. But they also produce Bowman, Bowman's Best, Topps Finest, and other baseball sets. This is like comparing Topps regular set to Topps Finest - only thing that is the same is Topps produces both sets and some of the players are in both sets but they are not related.
- This set is larger (165 base cards - some are the same fighters from Round 1, some aren't) - for Rookie card collectors that may be important.
- This set will have even more parralels. I don't personally care about parralels but there will be unnumbered base cards, and then silver parrallels (same as Round 1 - numbered to 87), gold (numbered to 25), diamond (numbered to 8), and Red (numbered to 1).
- Autographs are from different fighters including all 16 of the TUF 9 fighters, coaches, and other fighters

*edited because I can't spell

Sorry, u were right. I paid 1200 for the case. Dont know why i put 1000. I wasnt magic, it was a typo. Also, it was nice to hear an informed opinion. Everything u said was exactly what i heard. Had to buy round one to buy these, limited amount to but, the dealer loyalty program that Topps has. I can just hope.

All I know is the first set is limited and the 2nd series will be everywhere.

Actually, u know nothing then. The second set is being produced in even lower numbers. I have given sources and research i have done and u give one line answers.

And no one believes you because it makes no sense.

I have no reason to lie. I am not trying to sell these to u. I would gladly post the numbers of the dealers i have talked to. I thought i met alot of idiots in the real world. Its amazing what a computer in front of someone can do. Go look at the major card wholesalers. They dont have a shit ton of these to start with because THEY CANT ORDER THEM from Topps. You cant either. Only hobby shops can. Look, I agree that Round One was overvalued, but it makes perfect sense. Look at rtwils post. Why would i just lie for no reason.

Not saying your lying, I'm just saying you and your dealers were given false info most likely.

arbe79 - dealer didnt have to sell me on it. Already bought the cases. He offered me 400 to walk out the door and let him keep the case. I paid 1200 with a reciept so it was reserved but he told me he would give me my money back plus 400. I am just goin off of things I know and the dealer isnt lying. The other 2 dealers that told me the same thing had ZERO cases left to sell so they had nothing to gain from lying to me

 should took the deal!!!

PTS, there is one thing i do know for sure and i only posted all that info so u guys might get in on it. I do know u can only buy these from Topps if u are a dealer. Round One u could order as many cases u wanted if u were a dealer. This time they are limited to from 3-6 cases. All three dealers i dealt with could only get three. I know he isnt lying cause i wanted another case and he said all three he was allowed were sold already. Why would he say that when i was ready to drop him over a grand for a case????