So Dreamer said if we really wanted to get an UGGP event together that we need to make a thread for people to list their age, sex, height, weight, and training experience then we could start doing a little matchmaking or catch a promotions eye. I think it would be awesome if we did another one and I'm sure a lot of people would love to get on this. Maybe we could even have a whole card with UG people on it - including the green namers.
If you are interested in competing just PM me or DreamerMMA your info - real name, phone number, email, etc..
Name: JustAble
Age: 20
Weight: 145 (fight weight: 125-135)
Experience: A few jiujitsu classes
Name: teamquestnorth
Age: 31
Weight: 223 (fight weight: 195-205)
Experience: A few boxing classes
Name: GregNoActionJackson
Age: 30
Weight: 155 (fight weight: 135-145)
Experience: Wrestled in High School, Army Combatives Training
Name: Pitbull3744
Age: 32
Weight: 190 (fight weight: TBD)
Height TBD
Experience: BJJ and Muay Thai/Kickboxing
Name: JHayNYG
Age: 21
Weight: 160 (fight weight: 155-170)
Experience: A little sport karate
Name: Crazy Power Muay Thai
Age: 32
Weight: 205 (fight weight: 185-205)
Experience: 16 years of Muay Thai - been inactive for past few years
Name: discodrew
Age: 24
Weight: 130 (fight weight: 115-125)
Experience: MMA at Greg Jacksons
Name: Letibleu
Age: 30
Weight: 165 (fight weight: 145)
Experience: A few jiujitsu classes
Name: SidRival
Weight: 170 (fight weight: 155-170)
Experience: Was a sparring partner to Brian Cobb and Team Pain and Suffering. Never fought.
Name: armbarring
Age: 29
Weight: 188 (fight weight: 170-185)
Experience: Training BJJ for 14 years, 5 years of wrestling, "Dabbling" in boxing. Been inactive for awhile.
Name: AllAmericanBoxing
Age: 21
Weight: 138 (fight weight: 125)
Experience: Kickboxing Smoker, A couple years of BJJ, wrestling, muay thai, and boxing
Name: Anauseda
Age: 24
Weight: 230 (fight weight: 215-225)
Experience: HS wrestler, minimal MMA training a few years ago.
Name: Monster Energy 13
Age: 20
Weight: 220 (fight weight: 185-205)
Experience: A few kickboxing classes
Name: RJJH
Age: 32
Weight: 190 (fight weight: 155-165)
Experience: BJJ classes
Name: The Loge
Weight: 150 (fight weight: 135-145)
Experience: Four years of training, BJJ blue belt
Name: gambatte
Weight: 190 (fight weight: 170-185)
Experience: 5 years of karate, 1.5 years of judo
Name: gloXxville
Age: 22
Weight: 217 (fight weight: heavyweight)
Experience: Wrestling, Muay Thai, Boxing, No-Gi
Name: ASanchez83
Age: 30
Weight: 215 (fight weight: 205)
Experience: Judo brown belt
Name: TFK_OliverClothesoff
Age: 21
Weight: 210 (fight weight: 170-200)
Experience: Wrestled for two years in high school, six months of boxing, and a year or so of kung fu
Name: DameontheMan
Weight: 210 (fight weight: 185-205)
Experience: 4 months of Kickboxing and Jiu-Jitsu
Fight Card (Confirmed Matchups)
145lbs: GregNoActionJackson vs Letibleu
185lbs: teamquestnorth vs. TFK_OliverClothesoff
125lbs: AllAmericanBoxing vs. YousHerName
155lbs: RJJH vs. SidRival