UK BJJ Northern Open Highlight Video

Produced another HL for Grab&Pull here in the UK. The Northern Open in Liverpool, Gi and Nogi. Any feedback at all is welcome.

Please watch in HD.

for OP:

what kind of camera did you use? brand and make?

PayItForward - what kind of camera did you use? brand and make?

Hi, thanks for embedding the video. The whole thing was shot on a Canon 7D using Canon 50mm and a Tokina 11-16mm lenses.

cool beans.

just bought a canon t2i for personal use and for some personal grappling vids.

once i get it i'll start posting the vids here...

i just liked the quality your camera had. it's higher end from what i'm getting, but i think i made the right purchase w/ respect to what i need it for (i.e. personal use).

i was just hoping you were going to respond w/ "Canon T2i" so that i would be stoked about my purchase.

You will still get a really nice image from a T2i. Plus you can do a lot in post. I look forward to seeing some of your videos! Phone Post