Unbelievable MMA Fan Giveaway!

Well we are at it again...We are having our biggest contest yet! 2 UFC Tickets with airfare and hotel, autographed gear, and Premier Fighter Apparel! It is free to join and just check out the website PremierFighter.com for more info! Thanks everyone!



that's awesome.

awesome giveway!

To late outkastttt69 we know were you live!


Want everyone to take advantage of this...!

Just entered. Wish me luck!!

Best of luck fox! I should have had Crook put this thread up...I am going to hire her for marketing!

TTMF ...I said TTMFT!!!!!!!!

Fox...Thanks for the kind words in your e-mail...Hope to see you up in your neck of the woods in a little over a month!

Clay will do one...and I will call Frankie too...and Alan...and Tyson....and Jason MacDonald...Hell I will call of them...How many do you want?

email? what email?

Not your e-mail...your entry form! My bad!

PF---Crook Clay and Alan will shoot you a buzz tomorrow! I will work on the other guys...and you can ask Chris too...Hell of fight he had!

lol. Oh, ok! I was confused and praying someone didn't hack one of my accounts!

P.S. If you need a good clothing photographer, not to toot my own horn, but I am terrific and experienced! You can ask Craig at Six Duece and Nate at Warrior Wear! ;)

Oh, and what brings you to my neck of the woods?

Be up in Canada for the fights...I know...it might not be in your neck of the woods..but hell it is in Canada...Not like your country is big or anything! I've got your e-mail addy...I will drop you a line about doing some work for sure!
