Uncle Creepy Fans Check In

In, all day, every day. Phone Post

WAR CREEPY! Win me some cash champ.

I'm in! Uncle Creppy will kill him a mouse tonight!

Repping UGCTT at work! TTMFT!

got my UGCTT shirt on today. Wearing the other one tomorrow after he destroys might mouse tonigt. WAR CREEPY!

I checked in a long long time ago!!! Seek and DESTROY tonight!!

Creepy smash!!!! Phone Post

 Team Creep! (got money on him) 

UGCTT_SidRival -  In this bitch! Phone Post


Ttt for ugctt

I will be there! Can't fuckin' wait!


WAR CREEPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That gif literally gives me the shivers


 UGCTT 4 Life

WAR Creepy. Boot that mouse. Phone Post

Best of luck Ian. Here are some pictures from the wounded warrior project event a couple weeks ago.

b.d. -
Passive Jay -

general manager emailed me back and said the guy I am dealing with is out of the office but will contact me monday to resolve the issue.


I am not contacting home depot until the company stops trying to fix it. The pizza debacle made me decide that I would not go above someones head until they refuse to fix the issue. 

Generally, you give the company a chance to make it right. You've done that, it seems they made a bad thing worse. They're still trying to work with you, but I would still contact HD right now and let them know what's been going on to this point, and that you're not sure they have the desire or ability to make it right. And ask HD what your options are should the company's forthcoming efforts fail to be satisfactory yet again. 

Keep it all documented. Dates, times, who you spoke to and a few detailed notes about the conversations. Keep the pics and vid and freely offer to share them with all parties. 

This ^ They've tried twice. They either DGAF or they are incompetent and you continue to waste time dealing with it instead of calling the place you paid. Call the place you paid and stop pussyfooting around.


In Phone Post