United Gracie Results

Does anyone have any results?

Scotty won the light masters division purple belt.  Tapped both

Jon Fitch won the light heavy blue belt division.

Nick Diaz won the purple middle. 

Ben Zara tapped out Coyote in less time it took me to type this.

Crispim beats Megaton from a beautiful 1/2 guard sweep.

Joao Cunha beat Texheria(sp?) points.

Renato Migralsese beats Val on points after riding his back most of the

Cassio Werneck beats Gordinho on points.

Fabio Santos beat Michael "El Toro"(?) from Megatons.

Speaking of Megaton, his daughter is awesome.  Judo tossed some
poor kid straight into armbar.

Mikyo Riggs wins the brown belt middle division.

Luke Stewart tapped out his opponent rather quickly in the brown belt
open.  Yugio from Ralph's beat a rather large karate guy on the other
side to close out the bracket. 

Cole Escovedo won or split his blue belt division.

Matches moved really quick.  First BJJ tournament to use the judo
bracketing system I have seen.  450+ competitiors (60 kids) plus
superfights and the thing was done by seven.  I shot six hours worth of

Ben Zara is Ralph's student right? Did he compete in black? He got his black belt?

How many fights did Mikyo have? Nice to see him back in competition.

Did Jason compete? How about the girls from Ralph's?

Are you serious that charles got on your ass for the entrance fee? How lame! So much for all the contributions you have made for the sport (and his tournament specifically).

Also, thanks for the results.

I think that Nick`s brother Nathan Diaz won the tournament in the Blue Belt division.

Ben Zara's beautiful drop seionage!!!

He took Coyotes back and finished him !!

30 seconds tops!!

Hope you didn't blink!!!


Ben is the Judo guy from Ralph's?

Where there any purple belt women competing?

nick diaz is tight, he fights NHB and still goes to the grappling tournaments.

Just curious, how does the Judo Brackets basically work?

Kelly was the only purple woman to compete - Jen had no one in her bracket. Kelly tapped her opponent (sorry Gumby - I was going on second hand information).

The brackets were split across six mats so there would be an even number of fights on each mat. It wasn't based on weight or belt. Once the brackets were divided up, they were assigned a mat letter A-F. Then the fights in the brackets were numbered. When a competitor weighed in, they got a mat letter and fight number (such as A 24). That meant you were the 24th fight on mat A. Each mat had a post with numbers on it, so you could see what fight number the mat was on. When you won, you got your next match number. Like Gumby said - we had over 470 competitors done by 7pm. That included the super fights and the open divisions.


Did Tedd, Jason, Greg, or anyone else from Pacific compete other than Cole? If so, how did they do?

I haven't been around the gym lately, so I'm out of the loop...

Actually, Kelly tapped out her opponent. (Got that on video too)....

Ryan G--

Cole and Greg split the blue belt feather weight division, I think Greg's brother and a few others competed but not sure how they did

Awesome, thanks.

Greg is a really talented grappler. He'd make a good fighter, too. And everyone knows Cole is awesome. :)


Great run tournament with great action!!

This tournament was run 1000% better than the one two years ago. Extremely well organized and run very professionally. Congrats for a very good tournament.




Thanks for taking the time to explain it...sounds like it worked really well!

Andy Wang
Taipei BJJ Academy