Ur Opinon on leglocks.com website and products.
Are you affiliated with A.J. Comparetto?
I am now.. looking for feedback to make future products better.
About 3 years ago I purchased a LOT of tapes off leglocks.com. It was a very bad idea IMO. I have lots of tapes and these have to be the worst I ever purchased. Say a tape is 50 minutes long... at least 25 minutes are spent with AJ talking about nonsense. (Like how his top student uses leglocks to win the local NAGA tournaments... who cares? Just show me more techniques).
Production wasn't very good either, but I'm sure that can be fixed.
I'm glad you're out asking what can be done to make his tapes better, because they certainly need some help.
The only thing I did like was that I signed up for his newsletter and he gave out some cool training tips via email.
But the tapes are pure garbage, IMO.
WOW... thank you leftbench.
keep your opinions comming guys....
neat site guys!
I wonder why Eduardo's picture is still on their yet Eduardo's tapes aren't sold anymore. I don't think AJ trains with Eduardo anymore. Almost seems like Eduardo is being used for marketting purposes.