UR thoughts on a mma rule change?

Well i'll say this, this referee stand up B.S. is retarded! If i had an opportunity to tweak MMA then here is what i do.

3 - 5 min rounds with NO referee intervention. However, there will be a yellow & red card system used to discourage stalling.so if the guys are on the ground and doing nothing, they will be assessed a yellow card and lose 10% of their purse to the other fighter. if the fighter gets a second yellow card he loses another 20% to the other fighter and a red card will be issued to and illegal techniques or 3rd strike with stalling.

This will show the pure sport of MMA with the ground game getting a fair shake.


Well i'll say this, this referee stand up B.S. is retarded! If i had an opportunity to tweak MMA then here is what i do.

3 - 5 min rounds with NO referee intervention. However, there will be a yellow & red card system used to discourage stalling.so if the guys are on the ground and doing nothing, they will be assessed a yellow card and lose 10% of their purse to the other fighter. if the fighter gets a second yellow card he loses another 20% to the other fighter and a red card will be issued to and illegal techniques or 3rd strike with stalling.

This will show the pure sport of MMA with the ground game getting a fair shake.


tttotally agree
