Valmir "Bidu" Lazaro gets signed to the UFC

Valmir just got signed coming off an 11 fight winning streak on the Brazilian circuit. A very good striker. No fight as yet booked


He's fighting James Vick this weekend

ehumble - 

He's fighting James Vick this weekend

oh shiiii my bad! LOL


Watch for him. Dangerous striker with deadly low kicks - gets a bit wild when rocked. Should be a fight to watch for

Here he is against Wand Lopez (second to last fight) - no sound tho so that sucks


James Vick will be a great test for him. All Valmir's opponents have pretty sucky records but as we know that means not a lot on the Brazilian circuit

No love for James Vick ? Good striker and developing submissions. Training with Dominick Cruz I think? Looked good against Ransey Nijem. Caught him early with a guillotine Phone Post 3.0

Ohman a MMA fan - No love for James Vick ? Good striker and developing submissions. Training with Dominick Cruz I think? Looked good against Ransey Nijem. Caught him early with a guillotine Phone Post 3.0


Oh yeah man. Vick has fought higher calibre opponents and should on paper be able to pull this off. I just like Valmir's striking style and did not realise he had an opponentn his physique is perfect for that rangy style he uses. Valmir kind of mixes that aggressive Muay Thai style that Chute Boxe are known for but with that Nova Uniao flare. I think its a sleeper of a fight. Definitely got mad props for Vick