Velasquez to return in December!

The first sentence threw me more than the twist.

deekins mcginty

MasterofMartialArts -

Fuck you OP 

and have a nice day :)

Thank you!

Have a nice day as well and Happy Halloween.

Soup Nazi - lol

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" I can just see the frustration on their faces as they pluck away on their androids."


Kirik -

I HATE you. Was all excited to get this as the hero story on front page!?

Please do it, I beg you! The comments would be fucking gold.

Fans hoped for it and it happened in styIe!

Velasquez returned and captured gold, just as you fans have hoped!

1 Like





Velasquez is champ!!! congratulations

July 16th, Velasquez returns! Again! Defending her title vs Denise Kielholtz.


…and bumping the thread just makes it worse.