Vice asks Jake Paul “was your KO racist?” wtf

Vice is a dishrag of a publication 


3rd or 4th thread.

And yah that was embarrassing.

Doesn’t really seem like they were kidding.


Didnt watch but WHY would they even ask/think that? Is it now racist for people of opposite ethnicity to compete now? 

Is Vice not some leftist garbage reporting anyways? 

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Not surprising coming from Jemele Hill

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Ha she tried to ask the question but was ready to climb down immediately. What a bellend

FreightTrain - 3rd or 4th thread.

And yah that was embarrassing.

Doesn’t really seem like they were kidding.

I accidently created it on the UG when I meant for the OG.  I searched Paul and Vice beforehand and didn’t see anything. 

I agree with your post.  Even if it was a joke, it was pointless and stupid.

steak and chicken -

Didnt watch but WHY would they even ask/think that? Is it now racist for people of opposite ethnicity to compete now? 

Is Vice not some leftist garbage reporting anyways? 

100% Vice is a leftist garbage media outlet nowadays.  I used to watch their documentaries and shows on TV, but the past 3-4 years they took a strange political turn, since the George Floyd incident they have become even worse. It’s almost like they enjoy the dividing people.

And I agree, my issue was why even ask a question like that?  Joking or not, it’s a form of race baiting and I’m glad he shut her ass down.  

I laughed for at least a minute when I read this thread title. I'm starting to think Gavin McInnes is still running vice and all this woke stuff has just been a massive troll

Jake only punched him cause hes black. Anyone that disagrees is committing violence with their words.