(vid) I fought a "pro wrestler"

who got it?

octagoncito IMO


Did they pull that guy off a bar stool 5 min before the fight?

I take tough fights all the time out of my weight class, why cant i fight a can everyonce in awhile!
Daniel I am not sure who got it- I took my money and left

that fight sucked...no striking at all on the feet...all it should take is one flinch and u should have come over with a right and put his lights out...

everyone is a critic/expert... I expect that when I share a vid on here

Close one.

"Job- No way, I hate the fact that someone can make more money faking doing something than doing it for real. Ever since I wrestled in high school, I have always wanted to smash one of those guys"

Here we go again.

Do you realize that you'd have a REALLY tough time finding a modern-day pure pro wrestler who claims that what he does makes him a legitimate fighter? No offense, but you make yourself sound like you're ten years behind the rest of the class. The cat's been out of the bag for ages--wrestling is NOT legitimate competition and pro wrestlers in no way, shape or form present an affront to real fighters. Next thing you'll be saying that you want to bash a stuntman.

This guy obviously wasn't ready to get into the MMA ring and you showed him that--that's fine. And if he was overtly saying that being a Luchador made him a better fighter than you, then he was an individual tool but in no way representative of most pro wrestlers. So please don't make out like you're "defending the honour of MMA".

I am well acquainted with many top-level MMA fighters, top-level pro wrestlers, and guys who have done both, and I can tell you that truly enlightened MMA fighters have a respect for pro wrestlers, and vice versa.

All this pro wrestling bashing makes me think that there are a lot of MMA enthusiasts out there with a desperate need to have someone to look down on in order to feel superior.

On a completely different note, you have my respect for having the balls to be a MMA fighter, and I congratulate you on your victory.

I do both...

I'm actually working with VADER tomorrow.

"I just ask cus in the vid you look to be around my size,i'd take a fight with you after i fight the moose"

Xpera - FYI calling out fighters with more experience and training  is generlly a bad idea. You are following the road of the mooses as you call him.

I take it as disrespect and if you can make 145 and get yourself to mexico, It can be set up.

'No way, I hate the fact that someone can make more money faking doing something than doing it for real. '

Agreed I hate the fact Michael Chiklis makes all that cash for pretending to be a cop rather than making the streets safe for real..

LOL@Mudnamers.. How about you put up one of your fights? Fuckin heroes, my god.

And good form on the WWE callout.. It angers me to the point of exhaustion that fucking gayass man drama shite still gets so much airplay.

What a waste of your time to train for such a horrible opponent.... Pro wrestler????...where at a freakin flea martket? Yeah you were spawling but how many single/double leg takedowns did he not complete....what a joke!

he should of bounced off the ropes.

thanks to the positive responses .... and for the people using the TV analogy, yes, it is a shame that real life Heros are less recognized than TV heros. You can all tell me what actors played the Xmen in movies but how many of you can name any of the passengers who charged terrorists on United flight 93?

"Now, the workers nowadays have pretty much thrown the shooting/hooking/chain wrestling out the window and believe in doing all of the high flying BS."

I've got nothing against the "high flying BS" provided that matches don't degenerate into "spot-fests". If you've at all been keeping an eye on the scene, you must have noticed increased amounts of mat wrestling in WWE from guys like Finlay, Randy Orton and the late, UNlamented Chris Benoit.

And then, of course, there's ROH, in which you can see a HEAVY emphasis on good, old-fashioned chain wrestling from guys like Alex Shelley (sadly, no longer on the roster), Bryan Danielson and Nigel "No Bumps Required" McGuinness. It's a regular thing to see a short "hold-for-hold" spot get a round of applause in ROH.

I don't want this to come out the wrong way, but if you are teaching neophyte wrestlers then I hope you're not telling them that mat work is dying out in the business. On the contrary, it's making a comeback.

Definitely check out ROH and your fears will be assuaged. While they have spotfests as well, there is PLENTY of good, old-fashioned ground work to satisfy the purist. IMO, ROH is the best pro wrestling organization on the planet.