Vid of My Pro Debut (weak stomach warning)

FRAT warning

So today has been exactly one month since my professional debut. As you can see from the video things didn't go exactly as planned. I felt great going into the fight, thought I was doing good, trying to push the pace, and was having fun. Then things changed. As you'll see I threw a kick that was checked and I broke my leg ala Corey Hill (and now Anderson Silva). I had pretty severe shin-splints from running on that leg going to the fight, or perhaps another injury to that leg. Either way, my shin was sore for about a month prior to the fight. The kick just happened to land right where it was already tender. As you can see I was able to step down on the leg for a bit, and even threw a kick with the other leg before it completely broke. I did feel the break instantly and my leg was shaking right away. My only thought is that I broke the tibia with the kick and the fibula was holding me up momentarily. Eventually that gave way as well.

As I fell I looked down and saw that my leg was indeed fubar'd. My opponent did what anyone in his position would do and that is go in for the finish. It was then that I figured I had about 10 seconds to try to win this fight before it was stopped. You can see that I tried to shoot in for a takedown, and may have gotten it, but Larry Landless stepped in quickly and stopped the fight. All I can say is that I tried my hardest and I hope that I showed the heart needed to be succesful in this sport. Broken leg or not I was there to fight, and make my coaches, family, and friends proud.

The next day I had surgery to repair my leg. I have one rod that runs inside the entire length of my tibia and three pins holding it place. I have already made it back into the gym riding a recumbent bike and lifting weights. I will be hitting a heavy bag by weeks end. Not once have I considered quitting the sport I love. Thank you for reading my story.

Holy shit, that was crazy. Best of luck in your recovery.

Warrior spirit.  You've got it son!  Impressive....

Wow, your facial expression after seeing your leg snapped in two was amazing. A picture of your face and broken leg should be next to the word STOIC in the dictionary.

Much Respect!!!Roy=correct


No more leg kicks until I forget about this thread.

Holy what in the fuck.

Did you go into shock or something? How did you not react to that? What in the fuck? Were you trying to block out the pain or did it genuinely not hurt you at the time? What the fuck?

First I want to thank all of you who took the time to read/watch my story and for all of the kind words.

brownchickenbrowncow - Holy what in the fuck.

Did you go into shock or something? How did you not react to that? What in the fuck? Were you trying to block out the pain or did it genuinely not hurt you at the time? What the fuck?

I do not believe that I went into shock, even though that seems like an obvious assumption. My reasoning for this is that I was very aware of what had happened and was making conscious/logical decisions of how to proceed next. My reaction was indeed to try to win, or finish strong, in the little time I had left. In order to do that I did have to just deal with the pain. I don't claim or pretend to be any tougher than you guys or any other fighters. We are all born with different tolerances to pain and the will to ignore it, I feel lucky that I was able to do what I did, not better than anyone for it.

I can't watch that shit, but heal up man!

It pains me to even watch those kind of breaks, talk about a poker face. Good luck in your recovery and future fights.

 Some one get this guy a green name....and a crutch.

Good luck in your recovery.

TTT for you bro..son of a gun..way to try and finish the fight with 10 seconds left before it's stopped (that's one way to look at it)..that's definitely some heart man..much respect to you..

takes balls to keep fighting through something like that. You'll be back soon enough.

What did your opponent yell and say at 5:34? Sound like he was smiling and pointing and said "That's what's up!" Which makes him a faggot, because it has little to do with him. It's not like he intentionally did that, he got lucky and is talking shit?

Again, thank you for the kind words fellas, its very much appreciated and encouraging...actually thank you really doesn't sound like enough...hopefully you understand that I do feel very privileged to have your respect.

TalkShowOnMute - What did your opponent yell and say at 5:34? Sound like he was smiling and pointing and said "That's what's up!" Which makes him a faggot, because it has little to do with him. It's not like he intentionally did that, he got lucky and is talking shit?

Yes that is exactly what he said, and you'll later see someone from his camp making bone breaking gestures. I have to admit that when I first saw that on the video I was extremely disappointed. I try my hardest to carry myself with a certain level of respect and class in the sport, and when I don't see the same in others it bothers me. Add in the fact that I was the one being disrespected and it just makes it worse. I only hope that Wes (my opponent) did not realize yet what had happened and would not have acted the same way if he knew. I would prefer to give him the benefit of the doubt in this case, however, if he was aware of what happened and was still talking like that...well, he is making himself look worse than anything I say ever will.

First Justin you have more heart than a lot of the keyboard warriors that post here ever have or ever will (including my pudgy ass). I had to choke down some chunks just watching your leg flop all about. Damn you a one tough bastard.

Secondly, it is not my nature to attack another person without meeting them. So if this Wes Swafford has apologized to you for his actions right after the fight than he is a good dude. If he hasn't he is a complete pile of shit. Nothing he did helped him win that fight. It was you that broke your leg with kicks not him. "That's what's up!" is not something you yell at somebody who just broke both the bones in their leg. He should have shown compassion and seen if you were all right. AND if somebody in his camp was making bone breaking noises after witnessing that should have his f'ing leg broken too. COMPLETE AMATEURISM AT IT'S BEST!!!

Get well soon and come back to the ring healed up and with your mad warrior spirit and HUGE set of balls! God bless....