Kettlebell training purists (self included) like to point out the fact that many kettlebell exercises such as the Swing, Snatch and Clean extend the range of motion by allowing the kettlebell to float behind the hips during the lowering or eccentric portion of the drills.
Kettlebell purist are equally as fast to point out that the extended range of motion and the eccentric or yielding contraction simply doesn’t exist in barbell Olympic lifts, since the athlete usually drops the barbell under control once the lift has been performed successfully.
Read the full article here:
Great article Jason; would you recommend doing any of these exercises (a couple of sets/medium reps) before, say, a dead/squat session?
Something like:
Or would you save it for a different day altogether? (Swings one day, deads another)?
Hey 4-Ranges,
Yes, if I were to do swings and DL/Squat on the same day I would put these first.
Thanks Jason! I did 5x10 swings with the 88lbs. KB, took 5 minutes to rest afterwards, then did my deads.
My body feels much much more BRACED, and my hip/glutes has a greater dynamic range of motion. It helped the weight feel much lighter than usual.
Thanks man!
BTW: I see that you guys are having Randy Hauer out for an Oly-lift seminar. AWESOME!! I've been corresponding with him for the past couple of months about training with him, so I'm gonna try to make it out to your guys seminar. I'm looking to get some GS training from him too... :)
Sweet brother. Keep me posted.