Shinya Aoki vs Kron Gracie - Metamoris II (6/9/13) *Sub Grappling
Shinya Aoki vs Kron Gracie - Metamoris II (6/9/13) *Sub Grappling
Thx VTFU m8!
Damn. I was pulling for Aoki to win.
wow, that was much easier than I thought it would be (for Kron).
What were their weights?
Excellent thanks for posting
Any video of Royler and Eddie talking about upcoming bout?
sunderground - That was the only thing good out of that $20.
did the ref say "break' or 'stop' when they went out of bounds? i feel like aoki had stopped momentarially. That said, he's a live by the sword die by the sword sort of guy.
VTFU, wanted to see that, good match
kill joy -
did the ref say "break' or 'stop' when they went out of bounds? i feel like aoki had stopped momentarially. That said, he's a live by the sword die by the sword sort of guy.
Wasa-B -kill joy -
did the ref say "break' or 'stop' when they went out of bounds? i feel like aoki had stopped momentarially. That said, he's a live by the sword die by the sword sort of guy.
The ref did touch Kron and Aoki's legs were already off the mat and one of the guys on the floor tried to use his back as extended mat.
Seems a bit iffy imo.
Hate to pull the card but it was Rickson's son...
Aoki's feet are clearly off the mat as well, pretty hard to roll out of something when there's nothing below your feet. Sick choke and all but if it was the other way around, im sure they would have been broken at that split second.
ArmbarKing -sunderground - That was the only thing good out of that $20.
Disagree. The last three fights were all good.
Schaub was an absolute embarrassment, however.
For later
watched it again, the ref touched them both twice as if to stop.
that was sweet, started slow though
sunderground - That was the only thing good out of that $20.