My favorite bag to use isn't the heavy bag, wrecking ball bag,
speed bag, or double end bag... my favorite is the slip bag! It
is also known as a "maize ball". I got inspired to use the bag
by seeing those bad ass old clips of Iron Mike Tyson slipping
and punching from his peek-a-boo stance.
I got two slip bags at the gym but a lot of people don't really
understand how to use them and they ended up being almost
unused. That inspired me to make this simple video with a
sample "kata" for my students to practice. This kata incorporates
the basic defensive head movements.
If you are a rookie or have never used a slip bag, this video is a
good starting point on learning how to use the bag.
If you guys like the video, please drop a comment on here and feel
free to add yourself to my email list at
to get more cool videos about mixed martial arts.
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Yes. Thanks ttt
Beautiful. Thanks.