Video promo for training seminar!!

Sorry I dont know how to get the video embeded, but here is the link!!!!

Did I mentioned that it has Gazzy in the video!  That should put 10K post on this thread.

If you are an athlete - You're here because you:

*Have the desire to be successful and you want to be
*Are tired of spinning your tires and not going anywhere
*Out train and out work everybody, but you still lose
*Understand that your athletic "clock" is ticking and you MUST act now!!
*Are tired of the same old, year-round, bodybuilding workout
*Don't have the required guidance in your conditioning
*Have been training without specificity and periodization
*Know you can be a better athlete and competitor

If you are a coach – You're here because you:

*Feel overwhelmed by all of your coaching duties?
*Would you rather concentrate more on "coaching"
*Want better performance out of your athletes
*Want the most out of athletic training
*Want to reduce the risk of injury and increase the opportunities for success


Intocombat offers education and consultation in strength and conditioning, fitness, in nutrition, sports physiology and sports psychology for today's modern gladiator.  

We know that you do not keep driving a Ferrari faster to make it go faster! In order for it to go faster, you must upgrade the engine.  At INTOCOMBAT we do that by utilizing cutting edge methodologies that are supported by scientific literature and years of experience. 

We do not promote "quick fixes", fads or gimmicks.  Our success is founded on hard work and commitment from the staff and clients.   We increase the speed, strength, flexibility and agility of the athlete while addressing sports specific and position specific needs.

We would definitely encourage you to compare and contrast our services with anybody else's - elsewhere, you will more than likely get a person without an education, with no clue of human physiology, and even less knowledge on specific rehabilitation and pre-habilitation protocols.

The most likely scenario in the industry is -  you will get an ex-fighter that throws the exercises he used when he was fighting to all fighters in your camp – whether they are appropriate or not!   Sometimes it will work, most of the time it will not, and sometimes it will cause injuries.

 --> To us - helping you or your team become the best is NO PROBLEM!!<--




Video was excellent.  We just did an interview with Rhadi actually.  Looks like their training is very detailed and on some next level stuff.


YEs it is next level stuff with old school hard work.


Can someone embed the vid for me please.
