I am trying to get some of the video production companys to send a package to my friend in Iraq. He has been there a wile and could use suport frum us to learn new techneqes. He has a portable DVD player with him and will be there until April. If you are interested email me at lasapro@aol.com
Take care of our people!
DJ - JJ's son came in today and trained, it was cool. JJ's gonna be happy to see him doing jiu-jitsu when he gets home.
I have some to add. I will send the footage we got from Helio's house.
Phil, send me your phone number again, paulviele@aol.com
Thats great Jacob is training. When me and J.J. first started Jiu Jitsu he used to tryangle Kirmit The Frog. I think he eaven did it for Relson once.
That's how I got him to train last night, I referred to that time he was showing us and he starting laughing like he likes the choke...er something, :)
I think he'll open up more and enjoy it, he just needs his dad back.
Him and 2 others had me smelling like kid sweat after that class, I let them fight me with these padded blocker things the karate kids use. It was fun!
email me we have already sent alot over there.
we support our troops!
bring them home!
email us ... dogsofwarenterprises@yahoo.com
we've sent a bunch of stuff to our guys over there also...
All you companys that have responded kick ass. I will be a costomer for life. Thanks for hooking up my bro, Im sure holadays are hard on our troops over seas and they will apreciate it veary mutch. I will email you guys with his address.
"bring them home!"
Amen to that!
cool idea! nice to see these small companies doing something for everyone!
My boy's division just nabed Sadams bitch ass!!! If that isnt a reason for a reward I dont know what is. Good job J.J.!!! Thanks again to all the companys that answerd my post. Come home safe man.
JJ will be back on our mats April.
Just wanted to add thanks for supporting our troops..I`m stationed overseas in Japan and know how it feels to be away for a long time..Thanks to all involved.
I did my time in the USMC, so did 2 of my brothers, one was in Afgainistain @ the first raids. But my student JJ topped us all, HIS unit caught Sadam. Great job to all the troops. Come home safe.
a quick note from Iraq from my student.