Vinny Magalhaes fights 2day...

Not sure if this has happened yet, but M-1 is today with the following fights w/ my picks. What are yours?

Vinny Magalhaes vs Viktor Nemkov: VINNY by submission

Yasube Enomoto vs Rashid Magomedov: ENOMOTO by TKO

You can watch the event live right now at the


Vinny's fight is coming up now

 Perfect timing. Sweet Enterence

vinny is da man

 I have no idea why Vinny does MMA and not just sport BJJ.  He looks awful in every area of MMA outside of BJJ.

 I think he needs a finish to win.


 Even Vinny completely gassed and on autopilot from getting knocked down is able to get a TD against a dude holding the ropes, pass immediately to the side, and then get into mount. Dudes grappling is just insane

VINNY WINS! but he needs to work on his conditioning

 AND right as i say that, he submits the dude. WAR VINNY


Vinny by tapout!!

 That was sick! Thanks for the link. 

looked like a mounted gogo/neck crank

if there was no jet lag, vinny in round 1 easily. nice neck crank though

awesome finish.
is that still a gogo plata if it's done from sitting position like that?

Ram Rod - looked like a mounted gogo/neck crank

That's exactly what it looked like...just brilliant!

haha we're all posting at the same time...