Virgin nose and ears... Sucks!

Flaunt your alphaness Phone Post 3.0

Much better than having wrecked ears and not being very good at grappling. I've met a guy who was probably about a good white belt but had ears like field mushrooms. Phone Post 3.0

RollHighAllDay - 
CDarwin -
RollHighAllDay - Man. I feel your pain. I've been grappling go and no go for 11 years and my ears are still normal. Just ruptured eardrums. Phone Post 3.0

No go grappling?

Is that like no touch karate?

It's a women's self defense course. Grab my purse? That's a no go. Phone Post 3.0

Hahaha. Good post. My ears started changing at white belt!!! That's cause I like passing with my head on the mid section and grabbing legs/gi

Cracked my nose at 15, needed surgery

Lol Phone Post 3.0

Never apologize for being handsome. 16 years if training here and no cauliflower ears. My nose ain't pretty, but hasn't been broken yet Phone Post 3.0

Every time i train my ears get swollen up :/ after 4 years of grappling and striking they don't seem to be too damaged yet, maybe some minor swelling Phone Post 3.0

Wrestled in HS, ears are fine and I'm happy about it. Phone Post 3.0

^^^ also been boxing, kick boxing and other martial arts on and off throughout my life and nose is mostly fine, I'm also happy about that. Phone Post 3.0

wrestled 3rd grade through high school. Wore a headgear EVERY time.

My ears are pristine.

Three years into Bjj my ears swole up for the first time and now I have a little bit of cauliflower on my left ear. I think it has to do with genetics plus the style of Bjj you're going against.

My coach likes to put a lot of pressure on the head from different angles, and one day he just used all his back against my head and caught my ear with his gi. I've never had any more swelling since though Phone Post 3.0

Have had my nose smashed pretty well twice boxing/MT, but other than a small but permanent bump on the bridge, still looks like a virgin.

Ears are fine, but have only two years' no gi experience, and I always wore head gear.

Elias Cepeda - Never apologize for being handsome. 16 years if training here and no cauliflower ears. My nose ain't pretty, but hasn't been broken yet Phone Post 3.0
My mommy says I've very handsome. Phone Post 3.0

I put on headgear as a white belt after both ears started swelling up.

After I started wearing it my instructor threatened to call me 'Princess Leia'.

I've had a few different girlfriends threaten to leave me if I developed cauliflower ear, lol.

Macedawgg -
downperiscope - Does anyone else have this issue?

Mid 30's, started wrestling when I was 7. Have never stopped training for more than a few months after knee surgeries. Ears still look normal. Nose still straight. My ear has swollen up ONCE after a freestyle tournament up at Brock University in Canada. I was almost excited about it. Next day... Back to normal.

I take a TON of shit for it from friends and students. I reference the 9 knee, 2 shoulder and one hand surgery as a case of "This sport fucks all of us up in different ways" but alas, I still look like a pussy.

cries in corner Phone Post 3.0

Just looks like?

When was the last time you were on a mat that you didn't roll up and take with you after class? Phone Post 3.0

Hahaha--pre surgeries and a bit!