Vitor's kick only 2nd most devastating of night


That was just so freaking funny!

Damn why couldn't Joe Rogan been doing the PBP for this fight. Phone Post 3.0

Dear god that was not even close to landing legally. Phone Post 3.0

TuLegit - Worst technique I've ever seen on a spin kick. Didn't even turn to see his target, wtf? Phone Post 3.0

Looked right on the money to me

didn't he land a couple nice ones later in the fight?
Poor Fabio. If its not his face getting bashed its his balls.
Glad he was ok eventually, I really like watching him fight.

The guy puts some of the nicest body combinations together i've seen in mma.

ThirdJackson - 

Mule kick.

You probably think because of the beard that I'm really hairy. But um...I'm not. Shaved.

ThirdJackson -

Mule kick.

We need this and vitors kick in the same gif. Side by side Phone Post 3.0

carsnick - Should be instant DQ Phone Post 3.0

This. You shouldn't get to do that to you opponent and not be penalized or dq'd, otherwise fighters can just take a "free" nut shot every fight to wear down your opponent. Phone Post