That was very wfast
Shuttlecock up in this bitch.
ThinkMMA - Shuttlecock up in this bitch.Do you even fuckin' mixed-couples badminton bro?

MMOZ - Podracers IMO.Sebulba P4P Reaction king

Nope you are thinking of badminton players, look up a game on YouTube. I remember being surprised by their fast reaction and agility speed on tv during summer Olympics.
Was thinking ping pong/table tennis
Got to think squash will be up there too.
I'm going with table tennis players.
Sepak Takraw matches have some lightning fast blocks and returns as well
nhl goalie should be up near the top I would think
Pro gamers
The Raven52 - Pro gamersPro RC racers

Thumb wrestlers
That video was hilarious. Did you guys even watch it all?
Their vert isn't bad either;
Blue please
He's 6'5" for perpective purpose...
Or just imagine how far over a volleyball net you get
Chess players FTW