VOVCHANCHYN: where is he now?

Now we all know hes up in Ukraine with his restraunt and all that but apart from old news about him thats all i have really heard since he retired, he was "allegedly" doing a comback run but that didnt end up happening.

He is my favourite all time fighter and one of the most under the radar and under rated fighter ever, and its a shame only the hardcore fans know of igors great battles.

So to sum it up, where is he?! Whats he doing now? Is he still training? And does any1 have some recent footage of the ukraine freight train in action?

Would love to hear what the UG thinks. Phone Post

Good question Phone Post

 cookie monster

The latest articles and photos i saw of igor were off sherdog around 2009ish i believe.. Where he was training for a comeback fight, he was still bulky as hell and looked like a miniture tank haha, but looked Alot older.

Apparently he was doing some commentary for M1 but i just read that somewhere.

Tried getting my hands on some igor memorabilia but fucking impossible to come by! Would love an autographed poster from the legend himself. Phone Post

ttt for ice cold. Would love to know what he's up to these days, one of my favorite all time fighters

Would have loved to have seen a prime Igor vs. prime Wandy. Wish this fight could have happened. Would have been one for the ages. Phone Post

Igor is so underrated...one of the greatest fighters ever

I don't really know you but it's sad to hear that. I hope things go as well for you as they possibly can in the situation.

youll know when he's back, the ug will ring the bell

Seamus619 -  Dude is a badass Phone Post
Agreed. His fight versus Cro Cop was my first real introduction to MMA. I watched it on tape a year or so after it happened. Sold me on the sport. Since Cro Cop and Igor were the first fighters I saw, I naturally started to follow their careers and watch old fights etc. Igor is def. a beast and I always liked watching him fight.

Ice Cold Igor Vovchavchyn!!!! Phone Post

Chan Phone Post

man I would have loved to see igor vs brock in pride.

In 2 decades loking back on the history of MMA Vov will be held in high regard as a pioneer and the best NHB tourny fighter in history.

His legacy is no doubt.

Know he has bad hands.

Vov is a top ten GOAT in my IMO

dude had 2x4's in both his hand

if dude was in his prime now....

his fight with enson still was crazy

Legendary badass. Phone Post

Mix6APlix - Drunk in the Ukraine probably. Phone Post
KO'ing 6 people in one night. Phone Post

var so = new SWFObject("http://www.youtube.com/v/KRge-iYIM6Y", "postVideo-39155873-Flash", "425", "355", "9.0.28", "##000"); so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "samedomain"); so.addParam("allowNetworking", "internal"); so.addParam("wmode", "transparent"); so.write("postVideo-39155873"); Bang bang

Igor was a BEAST and I am sure he still is.

If you want to reach him, you gotta ring the town bells.