Wand. Silva = Huge star...

Does any else get the feeling Wandy is going to be a huge star in the US? I have a feeling he could become the next Chuck Liddell in popularity.

Depends on if he wins or not?

who is this Wand. Silva u speak of?

Depends on how he does. Shogun was the #1 untouchable LHW, Silva had passed the torch, and so on. But to the public he's just a soft foreign fighter who is another victory for Forrest Griffin, TUF champion.

not bloody likely

"All UFS have to do is show HL clips"




I think Houston is the new Wand ... the man has an unmatched intensity and is very aggressive. I expect good things from him in the future

who is this Wand. Silva u speak of? "

yeah, which ultimate fighter episode was he on? I tivo them so I wanna see who he is.

I've seen all the ultimate fighter series', he wasn't on one. Maybe he should go on next season before being let into the big leagues

He needs some pointers from UFC legends like Ken Shamrock before he should get into the octagon.

Not after he loses to Chuck.

only if they let him compete on TUF

His wrecking ball style will be very popular IF he wins. It's too early to compare Houston to Wand. Let him beat a few good guys first.

"I've seen all the ultimate fighter series', he wasn't on one. Maybe he should go on next season before being let into the big leagues"

thats classic lmao

"yeah, which ultimate fighter episode was he on? I tivo them so I wanna see who he is."



If Chuck beats Wandy he will be taking a nice chunk of my dough with him, because I just don't see it.

While Wandy was stepping up to CroCop and Hunt, Liddell was getting grappler after grappler after grappler.

If Pride wanted to they could have padded Wandy the same way all the way to retirement. Nobody forced him to jump in the ring with Heavy and Super Heavy elite strikers.

I think Wandy is a horrible matchup for Chuck, and considering what he did to Rampage the last few times they fought - would be surprised if he wasn't champ soon.

"While Wandy was stepping up to CroCop and Hunt, Liddell was getting grappler after grappler after grappler."

thats not accurate at all... wanderlei got plenty of easy marks thrown at him in between his harder fights, the "grapplers" chuck fought are for the most part a whos who of some of the great fighters of the last 10 years