Wanderlei Fights Giant, Mayhem Plays w/ Weiner

Today at Kings MMA there was a celebration party. They recently expanded the gym to over twice the size and had a breaking in the gym party. Awesome display of sparring from Wanderlei Silva and other; even TUF Coach Mayhem Miller plays with his Wiener Dog. Read more:

I want so badly to train at that fucking gym.


Nice! Phone Post

GaGas Soldier - ttt


gage949 - I want so badly to train at that fucking gym.

This Phone Post

flying_flamingo_kick -
gage949 - I want so badly to train at that fucking gym.

This Phone Post

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Mr Sponge - 
flying_flamingo_kick -
gage949 - I want so badly to train at that fucking gym.
This Phone Post
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the reason they had the party today is because they bought the place next door and tore down the dividing wall.  They made the entire other side 1 mat space..it's sick. 

I wish Wand would stop brawling like that. Anyone who knows how to box would counter the fuck out of him Phone Post

JDSFTW - I wish Wand would stop brawling like that. Anyone who knows how to box would counter the fuck out of him Phone Post

Yeah, cuz wandy can't handle any trained boxer right!... Phone Post

The Mongoose -
JDSFTW - I wish Wand would stop brawling like that. Anyone who knows how to box would counter the fuck out of him Phone Post

Yeah, cuz wandy can't handle any trained boxer right!... Phone Post

He couldn't handle Chris Leben... Phone Post

I gotta join this gym.

Wish they would open a gym in New York Phone Post

fun times



for later

This video really upsets me, Mayhem SHOULD NOT hold and throw his Dachshund around like that. They have very sensitive back issues when they get older if you don't hold them properly when they are younger.

I only hope he can read this message in time.


Mr Sponge - 
flying_flamingo_kick -
gage949 - I want so badly to train at that fucking gym.
This Phone Post
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a mi tambien :(

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