War Machine: God forbid if Dana White was gay

Jack Skellington - The guy just isnt smart enough to speak.

Yet he keeps getting a platform. 

muaythai1622 - So I guess he never wants to fight in the UFC again. Phone Post 3.0

Are you satying fighters should suck dick to get into the UFC? 

He has to be one of the biggest idiots in the sport. I would understand if he was a teenager,but he is 31 years old.

When you make these kinds of leaps it was on your mind.

Dana would be sore if he were gay. Phone Post 3.0

Holy shit that's hilarious Phone Post

lol, the things this guy says...

I don't know, War Machine seems to be in ideology and philosophy and stuff, just very crude in his delivery I guess.

yellow wrkahlc is dead - Good thing War Machine isn't in the UFC with dem DSL's. Phone Post 3.0
Holy fucking shit that was hilarious hahahahaha VTFU when I can! Phone Post 3.0


Hate that guy. Phone Post 3.0

I'm just here to find out If Dana met be gay, I want to fight in the UFC..


No homo Phone Post 3.0

Everyone else is a pussy, War Machine has balls, it takes real balls to call out an org you dont work for.

If he had balls like he says he does he would call out the org he works for about pay, Eddie and other fighters Bellator has screwed with.

But he would get fired. 

Burning Bridges - a memoir

by War Machine.


Okay I took it too far...

lol @ if.. seriously.. just watch him at the weighins..




And people still wonder why society thinks we are a bunch of thug street fighters. Comments like this is not that of a true martial artist. What do you think parents think when they hear this from an MMA fighter? I'll tell ya what they think..."if that's how these guys are and how they think and talk, we sure don't our kids around them teaching our children martial arts or Kids MMA." Way to go Machine War.

or war machine. or whatever his name is.

Jason Reinhardt - And people still wonder why society thinks we are a bunch of thug street fighters. Comments like this is not that of a true martial artist. What do you think parents think when they hear this from an MMA fighter? I'll tell ya what they think..."if that's how these guys are and how they think and talk, we sure don't our kids around them teaching our children martial arts or Kids MMA." Way to go Machine War.
I hate talk like this. True martial artist? Why don't you and your girlfriends go hang out at the mall. Phone Post 3.0

At this point I expect nothing less than something like this to be spoken by war machine. Wonder how long it takes him to get back into jail.