Ready to see this kid beat some ass tonight. UFC up and comer, young kid that has some serious skill. Get some T-City!
same! Let's go t-city
Let's do this!!!
T-CiTy with the triangle!!!
WattMell -He won ninjaCrystal Meth Jesus - Him and Frankie Edgar are the only people at 145 I can see beating Conor.Let him win this fight first.. That's a stretch.

Easily my favorite up and comer. I think Ortega is gonna provide us with lots of holy shit moments in the next couple years.
QuintonRammedMyPage - Easily my favorite up and comer. I think Ortega is gonna provide us with lots of holy shit moments in the next couple years.Yup. Young and hungry too. He's also a really nice guy. I've had the chance to hang out with him a couple times.

That was a good fight