‘We Have More Viewers than Any Taylor Swift Video Ever Posted’ - Dana

So are views worthless then? Because it certainly hasn’t translated to these guys making much money. Go to Power slap! As a starting slapper you can earn $2k to get concussed with a chance of lifelong issues! I sometimes wonder if Dana has a conscience.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say he doesn’t have whatever views he says he does and whatever views he does have aren’t worth 0.001% of what he implies they are.

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Really can’t believe Dana is pushing this, bottles my mendulaombligata

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Some journalist needs to ask what % of his views are from paid advertising? He’s likely just paying to get views and make it seem bigger than it is to advertisers. You know he isn’t getting all that traffic organically



Legendary goof

yea, i think the majority of his powerslap views is little 2 or 3 second, auto play type clips, that are forced on people when they are searching for ufc or other combat content.

and poor bisping has to schill for, and commentate the crap, or else dana wont let him call fight nights or contenders anymore.

i remember on an episode of believe you me, it was like an hour long commercial for why you should hurry and get your limited edition crypto ufc NFT’s and how cool they are… lol

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Amateur athletes and fighters are getting concussed and after training and expenses they’re paying for the privilege. Some of them die.

lol@ fighters getting 50%
why would that ever happen?

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They will use the Fairness Of Pay And Revenue Sharing From Monopolistic Entites Act 1974 since winning the landmark case recently (sets precedent)

MMA will surpass soccer any day now.

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