Weapons Training

What type of weapons training do you do? Edged weapons? Impact? Firearms? How much do you train each aspect?

For me:

1) Edged weapons: FMA and bowie-knife fighting. I'd like to explore the spanish navaja more. I train this quite a bit.

2) Impact: FMA and french la canne. However, at this point it's hard to distinguish my fma from my la canne when I spar. That croise tete just comes out!! I really like impact weapons training, as it helps with synchronizing my hips, shoulders, and arms for empty-hand striking. I have my students train like this.

3) Firearms: I got my basic pistolcraft training last year under Armando, but I haven't gotten around to hitting the range more. I here there's one here in NYC, so me and my crew will check that out soon. It's still important, but I just haven't put in the time. For those who train firearms, what do you do when you're NOT at the range?

4) Flexible weapons: this is one aspect I haven't spent enough time on. I'm curious about the bullwhip and bandana, but can't quite find a good resource or instructor.

I train edged weapons, impact and firearms. Firearms and edged weapons take up the majority of my weapons training.


Marc is a BAD MAN!

Welcome back:)


Not much, my focus is currently on MMA. I still try to keep up and improve my weapons skills though.

Edged and impact weapons: the Pekiti-Tirsia style of FMA. Pekiti is in it's heart a blade-centered style but honestly my focus on training with the stick is application with the stick. The edged aspect is thus mostly knife training.

I don't train in firearms and flexible weapons at all. I have no experience with firearms at all and know a few knife disarms with a bandanna that I really taken the time to functionalize in any way.

I teach anything to do with sharp, pointy things.

But then again I also teach blunt things that go thump! And flexible bendy things like belts and bandannas.

Heck.........anything I can pick up

Hello Everyone,

I practice with weapons of all types. (Lots of fun!!)

1) Thrown Projectiles (all types)
2) Firearms - Handgun, shotgun, rifle ...
3) As Ray stated --Pointy sharp objects
3) Impact
4) Flexible
5) Chemical (mace)

As for some firearm drills:
a) Tactical reloads
b) Airsoft or BB gun indoor shooting
c) Holstering/drawing

Have fun!

Steve L.


i have not been training, been actively raising a family, as Guro Crafty Dog/DBMA say, i am in the "Family Man" stage of life :-)

when i did train, it was still the basics with sticks and knives. and i treated the stick as a stick. been pretty much "swinging along with Top Dog". the knife was a little of ILK and a little of the Sayoc and a bit of the committed knifer vs emptyhand trying a bit of the STAB.

no firearms and no flexible, although i want to train some flexible and use it towards real day applications like jacket, belt, etc.