Would you wear your gi to the fitness gym?
I saw this chick wearing a TKD gi in the gym. She wasn't doing any kicks or forms or anything, just walking around using the stationary machines and what not.
Would you wear your gi to the fitness gym?
I saw this chick wearing a TKD gi in the gym. She wasn't doing any kicks or forms or anything, just walking around using the stationary machines and what not.
Was she hot?
she is cute I guess
You should approach her. Ask her if she trains.
"she is cute I guess"
Pic is now mandatory. It's why the camera phone was invented.
Upskirt IMHO.
Hmmmm, spin-off thread me thinks.
I see guys in the market wearing their BJJ gis......freaking posers. I usually just sport my rash guard and fight shorts.......no gloves just wraps. Once in a while I'll have my mouthpiece in my mouth but it makes it tough to speak.
i dont see anyone at my gym doing that. in fact it would be our duty to kick his ass and tell him not to do it again. we do have one kid show up to class already wearing his gi. that alone pisses me off for some reason.....
dojo sin to wear gear outside dojo. at least with the people i train with
I know its pretty common for TMA ppl to wear their gi's out in public. Think about it....how many times have you seen someone in a 7-11 or a WA-WA, hell even Fastfood places sporting a gi. As judo or ju jitsu gets more mainstream its to be expected. I'm not saying its right but its not shocking to me.
What gym do you go to?
What's worse....wearing a gi or a tapout shirt to the gym?
that is one sweet shirt, tattoos should be banned along with wearing your fucking hat backwards cocked off at an angle with one ear in and one ear out