Weight creeping back on

For most of my adult life I've been a yo-yo dieter..
I'm 5'10 and have ranged anywhere from 180-197lbs

I have spent most of the past year at 185ish. But after the holidays I had blossomed back up to 188-189, so I took action and embarked on a 6 week program. Cut calories down to 1200-1600 a day, worked out 3-4 times a week weights and thai boxing.

Worked well... in about 4 weeks I was 182. weeks 5 and 6 I plateaued and couldn't bust the 182 mark. (still plenty of flab to go round) So, I drifted back into regular eating habits... but still pretty clean. Probably 2000 a day....

But now over the past few weeks I've started to go up again. But I don't feel like if been eating enough to warrant putting pounds back on. Its very frustrating. I still work out 2-3 times a week.


What types of foods are you eating? How many meals a week? If the body doesn't get enough calories (different for each person) it's going to want to hold onto whatever fat it has. Post some specifics on how you're eating and you should get some good advice.

When I was cutting....

Protein bar

cup of tea with milk

To meat sand on Whole wheat/mustard

cup of tea with milk

carrot sticks

1 yogurt

1 apple

3 chick breats w/green beans

Maybe a coffee in the evenings


Protein bar

cup of tea with milk

Peanut Butter on Whole wheat (no mustard)
cup of tea with milk

carrot sticks

1 yogurt

1 apple

3 chick breats w/grren beans

and mild snacking.... 500 calories max...

I only drink diet pop, I stay away from fries and chips and crap except a little on the weekends. If I eat out, its always chicken w salad etc... I really feel like I shouldn't be gaining.

Muay Steve! Join the MMA.tv fatass challenge! See the thread so titled for more details.