Werdum vs Tybura possible FOTY candidate?

No just no.

There’s been some good fights this year.

Brown/Camacho last night was better

John Travoltage - What a great fight
No, not even close.

FOTY... no man,  I don't know, maybe SOTY...  Sparring of the Year haha. Jokes aside I thought it was and entertaing fight, maybe a little slow and sloppy, but c'mon GSP vs Bisping also looked like a kaiju fight

Wilders of the Lost Each - OP is FOTY candidate.
Faggot of the year?
Wilders of the Lost Each - OP is FOTY candidate.

That fight was boring as shit, but I'm sure some of my druken friends who know nothing about martial arts, would call it the best thing they've seen. Ever. "Minus the gay stuff on the ground."

Closer to the shittiest fight of the year than the best fight of the year.

All the best fights were on the prelims. Main card was dull, topped off with a snoozer.

John Travoltage - What a great fight

Didnt even get FOTN

LOL no def not FOTY.

Fuck that fight. I’ve experienced far bigger “holy fuck” moments this year.

I have to go back and rewatch some of the fights on this card. What were the best ones to watch?

0hi0direct - I have to go back and rewatch some of the fights on this card. What were the best ones to watch?

All of them. 

Just rewatched it, it clearly was.

If this figt is candidate for FOTY it just shows how you how lacking the Ufc is these days