What are some MMA forums with frames?

gotta be honest, pretty disappointed none of you bastards gave a link to mat battle.

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Mat Battle has been down for years & years now.

you’d know!



It looks like TMMAC on the phone.

What the mods fail to see OP, is that the unique old school look of the forum and app, was why half of us used it.

No one is staying on the UG & OG for the original thoughts and deep conversation it offers, and this is the mistake they’ve made. This forum is the same as any other forum, and guess what, half of us here don’t USE any other forums because they’re shit to navigate for our middle aged brains. If we wanted to navigate like this, we’d be on a forum like Reddit, not this tiny little place.

I have no reason to come here now rather than go to a bigger forum with more input and replies, many others will feel the same, the mods will continue to not care and do what they do. The best idea is simply to cut down or stop posting, when they get 25% the ad revenue, they might listen, cause they sure as fuck don’t care about the opinions of their base

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whoa whoa whoa, I was born in '87

I am not a boomer or middle aged, yet

for fuck sake…it’s all just words and pictures on a screen!


The old format just simply wasn’t viable anymore, despite people’s affinity for it.

The former site was about 1000x more buggy than this new format, and there are definitely some kinks to be worked out here.

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“Lots of modern websites have sticky navigation menus that are visible either in the page sidebar or at the top of the page as you scroll up and down the page.”

This is the alternative to frames which should have been implemented in HTML5.

Sticky nav is different, though. The navigation would still change every time you clicked on something. It wouldn’t have the same function. You wouldn’t have a list of threads on the left and content on the right that would function the same.

Not true.

It could be static or dynamic, and most certainly could be implemented to mirror the functionality of frames. HTML5 email clients would be a good case study.

I was going to disagree again, but then you mentioned HTML5 email clients. That might actually work. But do you think the top men considered that? If so, why decide against it. I would think that could work.

why on earth is a side menu to sort through topics so forbidden and ridiculous, it was convenient

This is the same group that gets mad when things change.

You guys are sounding like Clint Eastwood’s character at the beginning of Gran Torino. I am hopeful that you come around and eventually stop being so ridiculous.


They could probably get someone to custom build a forum. But that would be a lot more expensive than buying an off the shelf design.

Thats Wild

Time will tell when numbers drop here that this was a bad decision

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