What caused Rampage to rip the door down?

 I thought it was going to be Nelson getting a bad decision over Kimbo and then Rashed rubbing it in, so my theory was wrong.

Anyone else have a theory what is going to make him tear the door down?

My next theory is that all of his fighters lose in their first round fights and Rashed rubs it in.

Spike TV producer tells him to.

Probably to keep from smashing Evans face in. Too bad they never really got into it at the house. Thats the only way were ever gonna see em fight.

ShaqNoob - Spike TV producer tells him to.

 Correct answer.

ShaqNoob - Spike TV producer tells him to.


anyone else notice that the door looked like it was made out of cardboard? haha

rampage gets really pissed after scott junk loses, he walks away the throws his water bottle, then destroys the door.