Ok, whats up with all the Jesus haters in the room lately? I mean, everytime a fighter goes religious, and "finds" God then loses a fight, Jesus gets the blame or the fighters respective beliefs. Does anyone think for just a sec that it might have to do with that persons training, or that maybe his opponent was just better that night? Look at Rampage...he gets his hat handed to him by Silva, but since Rampage has found Jesus previously, thats the focus. I mean, could it be that Silva is just an ass kicking machine? Not only that, but last I heard, Silva was in love with God also; that mean God chose sides that night or something? Then there's Vitor...sure, the guy hasn't fought like the old "Phenom" of old since his first loss to Randy, but everyone blames his religous beliefs. That shit has nothing to do with it. It could have to do with the fact that like a lot of previously good strikers, once they are out punched, they become gun shy, and concentrate on the ground a little too much and leave their winning roots behind. I'm not on here trying to push Jesus juice on anyone, but simpl;y stating that a fighters religion has NOTHING to do with how aggressive they are, how many times they win/lose, or anything. Unless someone is a devout "I-Like-Fist-In-The-Face-Tholic", they're not going to be getting their ass kicked just because they have a new higher power in their lives.
Thank you, this has been a public service from The REAL Spider Man, also maker of fine products such as Jim Jones Juice, and Koresh Kandies.
While those are great synopsis on Jesus' long awaited arrival, that has nothing to do with this thread. Lets focus people. I know that most of us fighters have been kicked in the head numerous times, but just try to address the issue at hand; that being what does Jesus/ religion have to do with any fighters win/loss records? And why is it only when a fighter loses that Jesus gets the blame? I don't hear folks saying "Praise Jehova!" everytime Silva donkey punches the crap out of someone.
Tap, if this was a "defend your beliefs" thread, I'd make you look like the obvious nincompoop that you are. it's always so funny to hear so called "Athiests" claim to hate a God they don't believe in. Thats like me hating Santa for not bringing me a new blow up doll last year. But, Tap old boy, you can NOT believe in anything you want, ok? But be a good little cock goblin and go troll some other thread.
PS...And please, don't retort with the ever so cunning, "I'll slap your dark face". Being that I'm black, that may irritate me just enough to come down from Ft. Hood and visit you in Austin. Thanks
Spidey is correct. Why can't people be proud of a change they made, especially if it's finding God, without being criticized?
I think those that are criticizing is afraid that deep down in your heart, there's something that says God does exist, and your only trying to prove it to yourself that he doesn't by pointing out a fighter lost or whatever since he's found God.
Untappable, i feel sorry for you, and feel sorry you could make such a foolish statement. Jesus took his beating and his death like a man, and died for what he believed in out of love, he stayed true to his believes, until his last breath, and died for what he believed in. That is a hero not a coward. God Bless you and change your screen name, cause we all know, no one is untappable. Tom D
The reason why so many people hate God is because they blame God for all the wrong in the world, instead of understanding that its man doing the wrong, not God. God gave us all our free will, and it is up to us what we want to do with it.
The reason I enjoy mocking a fighters' Jesus-worship after the match is because they make a big deal about it before the match. If they feel so compelled to tell the world all about how Jesus makes them win fights, then why can't we give them shit about it after they lose?
Tap, obviously you're still upset that God made you stand at the end of the line when he was giving out penises and when you got there, all he had left to give you was a big mouth. It's cool though, everyone has to blame someone or thing for their "short" comings in life.
I know that a lot of folks who are new to their faith want to let everyone know that they aren't ashamed of it. (..."those that acknowledge me before men, so shall i acknowledge him in heaven, but whosoever forsaketh me, shall I also foresake in heaven"...)or something like that. Unfortunately, it sometimes comes off as "throwing" religion in ones face. Kind of like when you get a new sports car(like those crappy Civics), and want to show everyone in the world how fast it is. Some people only realize much later that only other fans of sports cars give a flying f--k, and the average Joe doesn't care to see you speeding down the street like an ass.
Natural, whether or not you want to give them crap is up to you, but it seems almost child like to me to throw that kind of thing in a persons face just because you like to see them look like they were wrong; almost as though you're trying to test their very faith. Thing is, those that are truly faithful will preservere, and something as simple in life as an MMA loss won't take the hop out of their step.